Accurate CPR & AED Inc. customized onsite cpr training places personnel in settings that emergencies are most likely to occur. The fundamentals that are learned during the onsite cpr training and first aid classes are applied in a work place setting, challenging rescuers to perform effectively while operating in a more realistic scenario. We can help identify the areas that create the biggest challenge and develop a scenario to train personnel to be effective in that atmosphere, all is done in our CPR and first aid classes.

Does your facility have an “Emergency Response Team”? If your facility does or does not have a response team or plan, Accurate CPR & AED will help the employer create, improve and make sure it’s N.E.A.T. All this is done by our custom training scenarios that will be implemented in the “Beyond the Classroom”.
- What are your emergency notification policies?
- What is your emergency response number?
- What is your employee cell phone policy?
- What is your yearly emergency response educational plan?
- Do you know what the minimum criteria is to maintain your certification?
- Are you or your employees up to date on all HIPPA and AED laws and policies?
- Does your facility have an Incident Action Pan (IAP), if so how often is it reevaluated?
- How often is the Incident Action Plan practiced?
- Are your buildings/locations easy to identify and clearly marked for your employees or emergency responders?
- Do you have an emergency response team?
- Do you have an emergency response team leader?
- Do all shifts of your facility have the same response team?